quarta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2018

Diamond crochet in 3D format with free tutorial

Hello girls, all right with you. Today we have this crochet quilt made with wonderful yarn threads. I received from a very special friend who gave me the image by email. This quilt has an appearance of very interesting geometric cutouts. With 3D squares are made optical illusion in crochet. This is wonderful. We who love this art of crocheting, unite the news of 3D and the art of crochet. For beginners you can rest assured that this point is very simple. The tip is the union and the tutorial of the crochet to form the square in 3D. We have lots of crochet ideas that you're sure to inspire. From that moment we have news on this web site with very innovative crochet images for you to decorate your house, your room. We have very delicate crochet blouse ideas. We have tablecloths and gorgeous crochet rugs. That you will fall in love. Each day we will be showing images for you to fall in love with. You dear friend who is starting, is thinking about that we have this crochet website for you to see how easy it is to crochet and learn from friends. Meet at home or in a classroom with the help of a teacher or friends and see our pictures and learn even more about this art of crocheting. This quilt matches a diamond. The important thing to do the diamond crochet is to connect the losangulos in odd numbers to give the 3D appearance as we are intending to make the quilt. Once sewn in 3-in-3 diamonds, you only need to piece together to advance the 3D diamond claw. This is not incredible. Like a touch of crochet magic. We have a wonderful gift in our hands. Crocheted fairy hands. This is our gift. I sincerely hope that you may have been inspired by this diamond quilt. They can vary the color as long as they match. Use your imagination. It is with great pleasure that we start our website on the right foot with diamond bedspreads for luck. And with many ideas for you, our dear reader. A big kiss. 

Um comentário:

  1. Muito interessante! Gostaria de obter a traduçao em portugues, pois não entendo nada em ingles.
